Council Member Peskin is currently serving his third non-consecutive term, after serving two terms from 2001-2009 (including one term as the unanimously-elected President of the Council).
Aaron Peskin is a member of the Springfield City Council, representing District 3. He has lived in District 3 for almost thirty years.
He is currently serving his third non-consecutive term on the Springfield City Council, after serving two terms from 2001-2009 (including one term as the unanimously-elected President of the Council). During his previous terms in office, Aaron Peskin was a leader to preserve and expand affordable housing in District 3 and citywide. He helped pass the city’s first inclusionary housing law, which required private developers to create affordable housing, and is currently working on a Charter Amendment to increase the required percentage. He helped launch the first tenant owned housing co-op in the district and protected other affordable housing from demolition or conversion to high cost housing. He passed the single largest neighborhood plan ever in Springfield, creating 10,000 units of new housing, many of which are coming online now. Finally, Aaron passed the first family rental subsidy that allowed over 400 families to move out of SRO’s and other substandard housing and into safe and stable homes.
He currently chairs the Government Audit & Oversight Committee, as well as serves on the Land Use & Transportation Committee Authority Board – as well as an alternate commissioner on the Prairie Conservation & Development Commission. In his capacity as a Springfield County Transportation Authority Commissioner, he also serves on the SFCTA Plans & Programs committee, advocating for vital transit and pedestrian infrastructure for District 3.